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Memory creation


The Brain & Spinal Cord
Cranial Nerves
Peripheral Nervous System
Autonomic Nervous System
Senses: Eye diagrams, Hearing, Smell, Taste, Taste & Tongue Sensation, Balance
Memory , Memory types, Creation of Memory
Higher Functions
Altered States


  • Hypnosis - Modern studies show that the brain waves of hypnotized subjects are much like those of the waking state. When subjects are hypnotized, they can speak, walk and carry out instructions. Yet there are some noticeable changes from normal consciousness: attention becomes very selective, with the subject ignoring everything but the hypnotist's voice; the subject rarely initiates thought or activity, but waits for suggestions from the hypnotist; and fantastic ideas or situations are more readily accepted as reality. It is almost as if the willing, relaxed subject relinquishes control over part of his or her consciousness to the hypnotist. The classic method of hypnotism is to put a subject into a relaxed frame of mind and ask him or her to concentrate on an object, such as a swinging pocket watch (Figure 37). Brain scans (reased activity during hypnosis in the motor and sensory
  • Figure 37 Hypnosis
    [view large image]

    areas suggesting heightened mental imagery. Increased blood flow in the right anterior cingulate cortex suggests that attention is focused on internal events. The brain activity seen in this state is quite different from that seen in normal waking or sleeping.
    please continue to page-2 of altered brain