Nerve physiology

Axonal  Polyneuropathy changes in EMG

EMG/NCV section Learn about the Brain Learn about nerves Nerve Fibers conduction described in detail  below.

SynapsesContinued from Saltatory conduction

Neuroglial, or glial, cells - general functions include:


point of impulse transmission between neurons; impulses are transmitted from pre-synaptic neurons to post-synaptic neurons

Synapses usually occur between the axon of a pre-synaptic neuron & a dendrite or cell body of a post-synaptic neuron. At a synapse, the end of the axon is 'swollen' and referred to as an end bulb or synaptic knob. Within the end bulb are found lots of synaptic vesicles (which containneurotransmitter chemicals) and mitochondria (which provide ATP to make more neurotransmitter). Between the end bulb and the dendrite (or cell body) of the post-synaptic neuron, there is a gap commonly referred to as the synaptic cleft. So, pre- and post-synaptic membranes do not actually come in contact. That means that the impulse cannot be transmitted directly. Rather, the impulse is transmitted by the release of chemicals called chemical transmitters (or neurotransmitters).

Synapses between axon of pre-synaptic neuron & dendrite illustarted


Continued to how the nerve cell works or neuron physiology


Autoimmune cause

Key words : action, potential, nerve, membrane, depolarizes, negative, electron;