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Oils sugars Heart


by: Fallon, Sally, M.A | August 15, 2012 return to Oil page

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SUGAR AND HEART DISEASE Most fat in our bodies and in the food we eat is in the form of triglycerides (three fatty acid chains attached to a glycerol molecule). Elevated triglycerides in the blood have been positively linked to proneness to heart disease but these triglycerides do not come directly from dietary fats: they are made in the liver from any excess sugars that have not been completely burned. The source of these excess sugars is any food containing carbohydrates, but particularly refined sugar and processed carbohydrates. Refined sugar and other refined products were virtually unknown in the human diet before 1600 and never used in great quantities before the present century. In 1821 the average sugar intake in America was 10 pounds per person per year; today it is 170 pounds per person per year. As the consumption of sugar has increased so have all civilized diseases.

We need foods that are whole, not skeletonized and denatured. Sugar, especially sucrose and fructose has been shown to shorten life in numerous animal experiments. Excessive use of sugar is associated with a rise in blood cholesterol, rise in triglycerides, increase in adhesiveness of the blood platelets, increase in blood insulin levels, etc. Numerous studies have positively correlated sugar consumption with heart disease. These results are far more positive than any of the studies linking heart disease and saturated fats. Moderate use of natural sweeteners is found in many traditional societies. We therefore recommended you satisfy your sweet tooth by eating fully ripened fruit in season and a limited use of natural sweeteners high in vitamins and minerals such as raw honey, dehydrated cane sugar juice (Sucanat) and maple syrup. Avoid all refined sugars including table sugar, brown sugar, corn syrup, fructose and large amounts of fruit juice.

PESTICIDES, TOXINS AND CONTAMINANTS We all need to be very concerned about pesticides, toxins and contaminants, not just in our animal foods but in all of our foods. If we start demanding organically grown milk, butter and vegetables, that will promote a small scale yeoman-type farming economy. There are really only two types of economies in the world: the type where millions and millions of people make a decent living and the type where a few people make millions and millions of dollars. We want to reverse the trend and gradually go back to the kind of economy where we have a prosperous healthy farming community and real foods and naturally raised foods.

BACKGROUND POLITICS: THE MOVE FROM SATURATED FATS TO UNSATURATED OILS I have a little cookbook called The Baptist Ladies' Cookbook published in 1895 - it's 100 years old. This collection of recipes is very interesting because it contradicts our present day dietary principles which are based upon the theory that the increase of cancer and heart disease today compared to a century ago is caused by our consumption of more saturated fat from animal products. Today we are being told that saturated fats from animal sources and saturated oils are the cause of cancer, heart disease and obesity. Vegetable oils are being used as a substitute in everything from baked goods to baby food. There is hardly a recipe in this book that does not contain plenty of butter, cream, eggs or lard, but cancer and heart disease were extremely rare before the turn of the century. People were strong and sturdy, and gross obesity was not a problem. The history of how this came into being, how a whole continent traded animal fats for vegetable oils on the premise that vegetable oils are better for our health is an interesting story.

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