Though these individuals may have a constant urge to have a bowel movement, there is often no relief in sight. Constipation can be a very serious health condition, and that’s why Plumbum Met can be of such
great help as a homeopathic remedy. This may help with the pain associated or allow the individual to have normal functioning bowel movements that are so highly desired with this condition.
Not only can Plumbum Met help with the actual weakness being suffered, but also with the sensation that the organ or extremity is being pulled back into the body.
It helps with any spasms, trembling, or
simple exhaustion suffered in the muscles as a result of this weakness. Plumbum Met may help to go to work on the actual weakness or any of these side effects.
Dupuytren’s Contracture:
This condition may not be known by name, though it is quite common. With this condition, the tissues or the tendons of the fingers or palms become thickened and shortened. The
fingers may become stuck in a vent condition. This will possibly affect either hand or both of them, and therefore Plumbum Met can be of great help in any of these instances. The dose is Plumbum Met 200 once a day for two weeks. Easily availble on internet ,amazon, ebay.
Homeopathic Remedy Profile for Plumbum Met:
Though Plumbum Met is often given for physical symptoms, it assists in treating various emotional and mental issues as a result of its effectiveness. Those that tend to respond well may even have emotional issues as part
of their problems. These problems may start in childhood whereby there is emotional instability in addition to other potential problems such as restlessness.
In adulthood, those that respond best to Plumbum Met may be
self centered and even border on being a bit destructive at times. Memory loss and a lack of the ability to properly express oneself are common with this profile, and this may result in very serious physical and
emotional problems.
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